Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 34

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 34

sri-pariksid uvaca
evam sambhasya jananim
abhivandya sa sadaram
vanca-bhogyepsur alaksya
rohinyokto ‘ty-abhijnaya

Sri Pariksit said: After speaking in this way, Krsna offered His mother proper respects. Then the very expert Rohini sensed that Krsna wanted some food to take with Him to the forest.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 16 Text 20

Srimad Bhagavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 16 Text 20

gopyo ‘nurakta-manaso bhagavaty anante
tat-sauhrda-smita-viloka-girah smarantyah
graste ‘hina priyatame bhrsa-duhkha-taptah
sunyam priya-vyatihrtam dadrsus tri-lokam

When the young gopis, whose minds were constantly attached to Krsna, the unlimited Supreme Lord, saw that He was now within the grips of the serpent, they remembered His loving friendship, His smiling glances and His talks with them. Burning with great sorrow, they saw the entire universe as void.

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 29

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 29

sri-bhagavan uvaca
adya prabhate bho matar
asminn eva ksane maya
citrah kati kati svapna
jagrateva na viksitah

The Supreme Lord said: Dear mother, this morning during My sleep I saw many amazing things in just a short moment as if I were awake!

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 16 Texts 13-15

Srimad Bhagavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 16 Texts 13-15

tan alaksya bhayodvigna
gopa nanda-purogamah
vina ramena gah krsnam
jnatva carayitum gatam
tair durnimittair nidhanam
matva praptam atad-vidah
tat-pranas tan-manaskas te
sarve ‘nga pasu-vrttayah
nirjagmur gokulad dinah

Seeing the inauspicious omens, Nanda Maharaja and the other cowherd men were fearful, for they knew that Krsna had gone to herd the cows that day without His elder brother, Balarama. Because they had dedicated their minds to Krsna, accepting Him as their very life, they were unaware of His great power and opulence. Thus they concluded that the inauspicious omens indicated He had met with death, and they were overwhelmed with grief, lamentation and fear. All the inhabitants of Vrndavana, including the children, women and elderly persons, thought of Krsna just as a cow thinks of her helpless young calf, and thus these poor, suffering people rushed out of the village, intent upon finding Him.

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 22

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 22

sri-balarama uvaca
sri-krsna krsna bho bhratar
uttisthottistha jagrhi
pasyadya velatikranta
visanti pasavo vanam

Sri Balarama said: Sri Krsna, My dear brother! Get up, get up! Wake up from Your sleep! Just see, it is now getting late. The cows are already entering the forest.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 16 Text 9

Srimad Bhagavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 16 Text 9

tam preksaniya-sukumara-ghanavadatam
srivatsa-pita-vasanam smita-sundarasyam
kridantam apratibhayam kamalodaranghrim
sandasya marmasu rusa bhujaya cachada

Kaliya saw that Sri Krsna, who wore yellow silken garments, was very delicate, His attractive body shining like a glowing white cloud, His chest bearing the mark of Srivatsa, His face smiling beautifully and His feet resembling the whorl of a lotus flower. The Lord was playing fearlessly in the water. Despite His wonderful appearance, the envious Kaliya furiously bit Him on the chest and then completely enwrapped Him in his coils.

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 Chapter 7 Texts 15-16

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1 Chapter 7 Texts 15-16

naradas tu krtagaskam
ivatmanam amanyata
devanam yadavanam ca
sange ‘gan na kutuhalat
viyaty antarhito bhutva
baddhvaikam yoga-pattakam
nivisto bhagavac-cesta-
madhuryambhavaya sah

Narada, however, thinking he had committed an offense, did not accompany the demigods and the Yadavas. Instead with great curiosity he hid himself in the midst of the sky, fixing himself in a yoga sitting posture, to observe the sweetness of the Lord’s acts.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 16 Text 5

Srimad Bhagavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 16 Text 5

viprusmata visadormi-
mriyante tira-ga yasya
praninah sthira-jangamah

The wind blowing over that deadly lake carried droplets of water to the shore. Simply by coming in contact with that poisonous breeze, all vegetation and creatures on the shore died.

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 5

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1 Chapter 7 Text 5

samstabhya yatnad atmanam
svasthyam janayitum prabhoh
prapa canantaram hrdi

With difficulty, Brahma brought himself under control and started thinking of how to restore his Lord to normal. Soon an idea came into his heart.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 52

Srimad Bhagavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 52

anvamamsata tad rajan
pitva visam paretasya
punar utthanam atmanah

O King, the cowherd boys then considered that although they had drunk poison and in fact had died, simply by the merciful glance of Govinda they had regained their lives and stood up by their own strength.