Caitanya-bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 21 Text 1 – June 14, 2020

Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 21 Text 1

jaya jaya nityānanda-prāṇa viśvambhara
jaya gadādhara-pati advaita-īśvara

Lord Viśvambhara, the life and soul of Nityānanda! All glories to the master of Gadādhara and the Lord of Advaita!

Caitanya-bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 20 Text 136 – June 10, 2020

Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 20 Text 136

pakṣi-mātra yadi laya caitanyera nāma
se-o satya yāibeka caitanyera dhāma

If even a bird chants Lord Caitanya’s name, it will certainly attain Lord Caitanya’s abode.

Krishna Enters the Forest of Vrindavana: Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 5 – June 7, 2020

Śrīla Dhanurdhara Swami continues with his series “Krishna Enters the Forest of Vrindavana — A Commentary on the 15th Chapter of the Tenth Canto”.

Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 5

śrī-bhagavān uvāca
aho amī deva-varāmarārcitaṁ
pādāmbujaṁ te sumanaḥ-phalārhaṇam
namanty upādāya śikhābhir ātmanas
tamo-’pahatyai taru-janma yat-kṛtam

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O greatest of Lords, just see how these trees are bowing their heads at Your lotus feet, which are worshipable by the immortal demigods. The trees are offering You their fruits and flowers to eradicate the dark ignorance that has caused their birth as trees.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 20 Text 131 – June 7, 2020

Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 20 Text 131

ye prasāda murāri guptere prabhu kare
tāhā vāñche ramā aja ananta śaṅkare

The mercy that the Lord bestowed on Murāri Gupta is desired by Lakṣmī, Brahmā, Ananta, and Śaṅkara.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 20 Texts 105-112 – June 3, 2020

Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 20 Texts 105-112

eka-dina murāri parama-śuddha-mati
nija mane mane gaṇe avatāra-sthiti

sāṅgopāṅge āchaye yāvat avatāra
tāvat cintiye āmi nija-prathikāra

nā bujhi kṛṣṇera līlā, kakhana ki kare
takhani sṛjiyā līlā, takhani saṁhāre

ye sitā lāgiyā mare savaṁśe rāvana
āniyā chāḍilā sitā kemana kāraṇa

ye yādava-gaṇa nija-prāṇera samāna
sākṣāte dekhaye—tā’rā hārāya parāna

ataeva yāvat āachaye avatāra
tāvat āmāra deha-tyāga pratikāra

deha eḍibāra mora ei se samaya
prthivite yāvat āchaye mahāsaya

eteka nirveda mora ei se samaya
pṛthivīte yāvat āchaye mahāśaya

eteka nirveda gupta cinti mane mane
kharasāna kāti eka ānila yatane


One day the most pure Murāri thought about the position of the Lord’s incarnations. “While the Lord and His associates are still present in this world, I should think of my own welfare. I cannot understand the pastimes of Kṛṣṇa or how He acts at a particular time. Sometimes He creates, and the He annihilates. Although He destroyed Rāvana and his dynasty to bring back Sitā, why did He then abandon her? Therefore I should give up my body while he is still present in this world. The proper time to give up my body is while that great personality is still present in the world.” After contemplating in this way, Murāri Gupta secretly brought one sharp machete.

Krishna Enters the Forest of Vrindavana: Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 4 – May 31, 2020

Śrīla Dhanurdhara Swami continues with his series “Krishna Enters the Forest of Vrindavana — A Commentary on the 15th Chapter of the Tenth Canto”.

Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 4

sa tatra tatrāruṇa-pallava-śriyā
phala-prasūnoru-bhareṇa pādayoḥ
spṛśac chikhān vīkṣya vanaspatīn mudā
smayann ivāhāgra-jam ādi-pūruṣaḥ

The primeval Lord saw that the stately trees, with their beautiful reddish buds and their heavy burden of fruits and flowers, were bending down to touch His feet with the tips of their branches. Thus He smiled gently and addressed His elder brother.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 20 Text 89 – May 31, 2020

Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 20 Text 89

jaya-hulāhuli deya pati-vratā-gaṇa
mahāpreme bhakta saba karaye krandana

The chaste wives made auspicious sounds, and all the devotees cried in great ecstatic love.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 20 Text 71 – May 27, 2020

Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 20 Text 71

kṛpā dekhi’ murāri hailā acetana
mahā-preme gupta-goṣṭhī karaye krandana

When Murāri’s family saw Śrī Mahāprabhu drink water, they began to cry in love.

Krishna Enters the Forest of Vrindavana: Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 4 – May 24, 2020

Śrīla Dhanurdhara Swami continues with his series “Krishna Enters the Forest of Vrindavana — A Commentary on the 15th Chapter of the Tenth Canto”.

Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 4

sa tatra tatrāruṇa-pallava-śriyā
phala-prasūnoru-bhareṇa pādayoḥ
spṛśac chikhān vīkṣya vanaspatīn mudā
smayann ivāhāgra-jam ādi-pūruṣaḥ

The primeval Lord saw that the stately trees, with their beautiful reddish buds and their heavy burden of fruits and flowers, were bending down to touch His feet with the tips of their branches. Thus He smiled gently and addressed His elder brother.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 20 Text 45 – May 24, 2020

Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 20 Text 45

gupta-lakṣye sabāre śikhāye bhagavān
satya mora vigraha, sevaka, līlā, sthāna

By teaching Murāri, the Supreme Lord taught everyone, “My form, servants, pastimes, and abodes are all eternal.”