Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 10 Chapter 23 Text 9 – April 28, 2021

Canto 10 Chapter 23 Text 9

iti te bhagavad-yācñāṁ
śṛṇvanto ’pi na śuśruvuḥ
kṣudrāśā bhūri-karmāṇo
bāliśā vṛddha-māninaḥ


The brāhmaṇas heard this supplication from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, yet they refused to pay heed. Indeed, they were full of petty desires and entangled in elaborate rituals. Though presuming themselves advanced in Vedic learning, they were actually inexperienced fools.

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 10 Chapter 39 Text 27 – April 25, 2021

Canto 10 Chapter 39 Text 27

anārdra-dhīr eṣa samāsthito rathaṁ
tam anv amī ca tvarayanti durmadāḥ
gopā anobhiḥ sthavirair upekṣitaṁ
daivaṁ ca no ’dya pratikūlam īhate


Hard-hearted Kṛṣṇa has already mounted the chariot, and now the foolish cowherds are hurrying after Him in their bullock carts. Even the elders are saying nothing to stop Him. Today fate is working against us.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 2 Text 364 – April 25, 2021

Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 2 Text 364

śuna śiva tomāre dilāṅa divya-sthāna
sarva-goṣṭhī saha tathā karaha payāna

“Listen, Śiva, I am giving you a divine place. Go and live there with your associates.”

Caitanya-bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 2 Text 367 – April 21, 2021

Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 2 Text 367

se sthāna śiva āji kahi tomā’-sthāne
se purīra marma mora keha nāhi jane

“O Śiva, today I am revealing to you the glories of that place. No one else knows the secrets of that place.”

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 10 Chapter 39 Text 22 – April 18, 2021

Canto 10 Chapter 39 Text 22

na nanda-sūnuḥ kṣaṇa-bhaṅga-sauhṛdaḥ
samīkṣate naḥ sva-kṛtāturā bata
vihāya gehān sva-janān sutān patīṁs
tad-dāsyam addhopagatā nava-priyaḥ


Alas, Nanda’s son, who breaks loving friendships in a second, will not even look directly at us. Forcibly brought under His control, we abandoned our homes, relatives, children and husbands just to serve Him, but He is always looking for new lovers.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 2 Text 344 – April 18, 2021

Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 2 Text 344

kene śiva tumi ta’ jānaha mora śuddhi
eta-kāle tomāra e-mata kene buddhi

“O Śiva, you certainly know My prowess. How then did you develop such a mentality after all this time?”

Caitanya-bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 2 Text 309 – April 14, 2021

Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 2 Text 309

‘śiva-priya sarovara’ jāni śrī-caitanya
snāna kari’ viśeṣe karilā ati dhanya

Realizing that the lake was dear to Śiva, Śrī Caitanya eagerly took bath therein and made it glorious.

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 10 Chapter 39 Text 21 – April 11, 2021

Canto 10 Chapter 39 Text 21

krūras tvam akrūra-samākhyayā sma naś
cakṣur hi dattaṁ harase batājña-vat
yenaika-deśe ’khila-sarga-sauṣṭhavaṁ
tvadīyam adrākṣma vayaṁ madhu-dviṣaḥ


O Providence, though you come here with the name Akrūra, you are indeed cruel, for like a fool you are taking away what you once gave us — those eyes with which we have seen, even in one feature of Lord Madhudviṣa’s form, the perfection of your entire creation.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 2 Text 301 – April 7, 2021

Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 2 Text 301

hena-mate mahānande śrī-gaurasundara
āilena kata dine kaṭaka-nagara

In this way Śrī Gaurasundara traveled in great ecstasy for a few days and then arrived at Cuttack.