Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 25 Text 5

Srimad Bhagavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 25 Text 5

vacalam balisam stabdham
ajnam pandita-maninam
krsnam martyam upasritya
gopa me cakrur apriyam

These cowherd men have acted inimically toward me by taking shelter of this ordinary human being, Krsna, who thinks Himself very wise but who is simply a foolish, arrogant, overtalkative child.

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 – Bhauma: On the Earth Text 35

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1: Finding the Essence of the Supreme Lord’s Mercy
Bhauma: On the Earth Texts 35

bhojayitva tato dinam
antyajan api sadaram
atosayad yatha-nyayam

Next he respectfully fed everyone else, including the most fallen outcasts. In suitable ways, he satisfied even the dogs, jackals, birds and insects.

Srimad Bhagavtam Canto 10 Chapter 25 Text 1

Srimad Bhagavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 25 Text 1

sri-suka uvaca
indras tadatmanah pujam
vijnaya vihatam nrpa
gopebhyah krsna-nathebhyo
nandadibhyas cukopa ha

Sukadeva Gosvami said: My dear King Pariksit, when Indra understood that his sacrifice had been put aside, he became furious with Nanda Maharaja and the other cowherd men, who were accepting Krsna as their Lord.

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 – Bhauma:On the Earth Texts 24-25

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1: Finding the Essence of the Supreme Lord’s Mercy
Bhauma: On the Earth Texts 24-25

ekada tirtha-murdhanye
prayage muni-pungavah
maghe pratah krta-snanah
upavista mudavista
manyamanah krtarthatam
krsnasya dayito ‘siti
slaghante sma parasparam

Once a group of exalted sages were at Prayaga, the best of pilgrimage sites, during the month of Magha. The sages had taken their bath and were happily seated before the Deity of Sri Madhava. Feeling satisfied, as if all their goals in life had been fulfilled, they were praising one another, saying, “You are the recipient of Lord Krsna’s mercy.”

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I regret to inform our listeners that due to technical difficulties, today’s Sanga class was not recorded. Please accept my apologies. If any of our listeners has made a recording of today’s class, I would greatly appreciate it if you could get in contact with me at .

Your servant,
Rathi Krishna dasa

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 – Bhauma:On the Earth Text 11

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1: Finding the Essence of the Supreme Lord’s Mercy
Bhauma: On the Earth Text 11

ayam sarasya sangrahah
anubhutasya caitanya-
deve tat-priya-rupatah

This book collects the essence of the scriptures teaching devotional service rendered to the Supreme Lord. These essential teachings I have personally realized under the shelter of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I received them from His dear devotee Sri Rupa.

Srimad Bhagavtam Canto 10 Chapter 24 Text 24

Srimad Bhagavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 24 Text 24

na nah purojanapada
na grama na grha vayam
vanaukasas tata nityam

My dear father, our home is not in the cities or towns or villages. Being forest dwellers, we always live in the forest and on the hills.

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 – Bhauma:On the Earth Text 8

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1: Finding the Essence of the Supreme Lord’s Mercy
Bhauma: On the Earth Text 8

jayati jayati krsna-prema-bhaktir yad-anghrim
nikhila-nigama-tattvam gudham ajnaya muktih
bhajati sarana-kama vaisnavais tyajyamana
japa-yajana-tapasya-nyasa-nistham vihaya

All glories, all glories to Sri Krsna-prema-bhakti! Knowing that the feet of Prema-bhakti secretly compromise all the truths of the Vedas, Liberation herself has come to worship her. Indeed, Liberation, abandoned by the Vaisnavas, has now given up her dependence on mantras, penance, sacrifice, and renunciation and is eager to have the shelter of Prema-bhakti.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 24 Text 13

Srimad Bhagavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 24 Text 13

sri-bhagavan uvaca
karmana jayate jantuh
karmanaiva praliyate
sukham duhkham bhayam ksemam

Lord Krsna said: It is by the force of karma that a living entity takes birth, and it is by karma alone that he meets his destruction. His happiness, distress, fear and sense of security all arise as the effects of karma.

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 – Bhauma:On the Earth Text 5

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1: Finding the Essence of the Supreme Lord’s Mercy
Bhauma: On the Earth Text 5

jayati jayati vrndaranyam etan murareh
priya-tamam ati-sadh-svanta-vaikuntha-vasat
ramayati sa sada gah palayan yatra gopih
svarita-madhura-venur vardhayan prema rase

All glories, all glories to this place where we are living Lord Murari’s Vrndavana forest! He prefers residing here to residing in Vaikuntha or in the hearts of elevated saints. In Vrndavana, while always tending His cows, He gives pleasure to the gopis, whose love for Him in the mood of the rasa dance He increases by sweetly playing His flute.