Krishna Enters the Forest of Vrindavana: Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 10 Chapter 15 Texts 10-12 – July 5, 2020

Śrīla Dhanurdhara Swami continues with his series “Krishna Enters the Forest of Vrindavana — A Commentary on the 15th Chapter of the Tenth Canto”.

Canto 10 Chapter 15 Texts 10-12

kvacid gāyati gāyatsu
madāndhāliṣv anuvrataiḥ
pathi saṅkarṣaṇānvitaḥ

anujalpati jalpantaṁ
kala-vākyaiḥ śukaṁ kvacit
kvacit sa-valgu kūjantam
anukūjati kokilam

kvacic ca kāla-haṁsānām
anukūjati kūjitam
abhinṛtyati nṛtyantaṁ
barhiṇaṁ hāsayan kvacit

megha-gambhīrayā vācā
nāmabhir dūra-gān paśūn
kvacid āhvayati prītyā


Sometimes the honeybees in Vṛndāvana became so mad with ecstasy that they closed their eyes and began to sing. Lord Kṛṣṇa, moving along the forest path with His cowherd boyfriends and Baladeva, would then respond to the bees by imitating their singing while His friends sang about His pastimes. Sometimes Lord Kṛṣṇa would imitate the chattering of a parrot, sometimes, with a sweet voice, the call of a cuckoo, and sometimes the cooing of swans. Sometimes He vigorously imitated the dancing of a peacock, making His cowherd boyfriends laugh. Sometimes, with a voice as deep as the rumbling of clouds, He would call out with great affection the names of the animals who had wandered far from the herd, thus enchanting the cows and the cowherd boys.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 22 Text 94 – July 5, 2020

Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 22 Text 94

māyera ādeśe prabhu dhāya viśvambhara
satvare āilā—yathā advaitera ghara

On the order of His mother, Viśvambhara ran quickly to the house of Advaita.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 22 Text 24 – July 1, 2020

Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 22 Text 24

mahāśaya śrīnivāsa balena gosāñi
āire deyāba prema ei sabe cāi

Śrīnivāsa Mahāśaya said, “O Lord, we all want You to give ecstatic love to mother Śacī.

Krishna Enters the Forest of Vrindavana: Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 9 – June 28, 2020

Śrīla Dhanurdhara Swami continues with his series “Krishna Enters the Forest of Vrindavana — A Commentary on the 15th Chapter of the Tenth Canto”.

Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 9

śrī-śuka uvāca
evaṁ vṛndāvanaṁ śrīmat
kṛṣṇaḥ prīta-manāḥ paśūn
reme sañcārayann adreḥ
sarid-rodhaḥsu sānugaḥ

Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: Thus expressing His satisfaction with the beautiful forest of Vṛndāvana and its inhabitants, Lord Kṛṣṇa enjoyed tending the cows and other animals with His friends on the banks of the river Yamunā below Govardhana Hill.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 22 Text 1 – June 28, 2020

Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 22 Text 1

jaya jaya gauracandra kṛpāra sāgara
jaya śacī-jagannātha-nandana sundara

All glories to Gauracandra, the ocean of mercy! All glories to the beautiful son of Śacī and Jagannātha.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 21 Text 29 – June 24, 2020

Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 21 Text 29

ei mata prati-dina prabhu viśvambhara
bhramaye nagara sarva saṅge anucara

In this way Lord Viśvambhara daily wandered throughout the city in the company of His followers.

Krishna Enters the Forest of Vrindavana: Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 8 – June 21, 2020

Śrīla Dhanurdhara Swami continues with his series “Krishna Enters the Forest of Vrindavana — A Commentary on the 15th Chapter of the Tenth Canto”.

Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 8

dhanyeyam adya dharaṇī tṛṇa-vīrudhas tvat-
pāda-spṛśo druma-latāḥ karajābhimṛṣṭāḥ
nadyo ’drayaḥ khaga-mṛgāḥ sadayāvalokair
gopyo ’ntareṇa bhujayor api yat-spṛhā śrīḥ

This earth has now become most fortunate, because You have touched her grass and bushes with Your feet and her trees and creepers with Your fingernails, and because You have graced her rivers, mountains, birds and animals with Your merciful glances. But above all, You have embraced the young cowherd women between Your two arms — a favor hankered after by the goddess of fortune herself.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 21 Text 18 – June 21, 2020

Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 21 Text 18

muñi mora dāsa āra grantha-bhāgavate
yāra bheda āche tāra nāśa bhāla-mate

“Anyone who discriminates between Me, My servant, and the book Bhāgavatam is certainly destroyed.”

Caitanya-bhāgavata Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 21 Text 12 – June 17, 2020

Madhya-khaṇḍa Chapter 21 Text 12

sarva-bhūta-hṛdaya—jānaye sarva-tattva
nā śunaye vyākhyā bhakti-yogera mahattva

Being situated in the hearts of all living entities, the Lord knows everything. He did not hear the glories of devotional service in recitation.

Krishna Enters the Forest of Vrindavana: Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 7 – June 14, 2020

Śrīla Dhanurdhara Swami continues with his series “Krishna Enters the Forest of Vrindavana — A Commentary on the 15th Chapter of the Tenth Canto”.

Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 7

nṛtyanty amī śikhina īḍya mudā hariṇyaḥ
kurvanti gopya iva te priyam īkṣaṇena
sūktaiś ca kokila-gaṇā gṛham āgatāya
dhanyā vanaukasa iyān hi satāṁ nisargaḥ

O worshipable one, these peacocks are dancing before You out of joy, these doe are pleasing You with affectionate glances, just as the gopīs do, and these cuckoos are honoring You with Vedic prayers. All these residents of the forest are most fortunate, and their behavior toward You certainly befits great souls receiving another great soul at home.