Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 10 Chapter 38 Text 18 – January 24, 2021

Canto 10 Chapter 38 Text 18

na mayy upaiṣyaty ari-buddhim acyutaḥ
kaṁsasya dūtaḥ prahito ’pi viśva-dṛk
yo ’ntar bahiś cetasa etad īhitaṁ
kṣetra-jña īkṣaty amalena cakṣuṣā


The infallible Lord will not consider me an enemy, even though Kaṁsa has sent me here as his messenger. After all, the omniscient Lord is the actual knower of the field of this material body, and with His perfect vision He witnesses, both externally and internally, all the endeavors of the conditioned soul’s heart.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 1 Text 107 – January 24, 2021

Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 1 Text 107

gaṅgāra vātāsa āsiyā lāge ethā
ataeva śunilāṅa hari-guṇa-gāthā

“Breezes coming from the Ganges blow here. Therefore I heard glorification of Hari’s transcendental qualities.”

Caitanya-bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 1 Text 72 – January 20, 2021

Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 1 Text 72

śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanya-nāme vimukha ye jana
niścaya jāniha sei pāpi bhūta-gaṇa

Know for certain that anyone who is averse to chanting the name of Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya is a sinful, ghostly-haunted person.

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 10 Chapter 38 Text 16 – January 17, 2021

Canto 10 Chapter 38 Text 16

apy aṅghri-mūle patitasya me vibhuḥ
śirasy adhāsyan nija-hasta-paṅkajam
dattābhayaṁ kāla-bhujāṅga-raṁhasā
prodvejitānāṁ śaraṇaiṣiṇāṁ ṇṛnām


And when I have fallen at His feet, the almighty Lord will place His lotus hand upon my head. For those who seek shelter in Him because they are greatly disturbed by the powerful serpent of time, that hand removes all fear.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 1 Text 54 – January 17, 2021

Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 1 Text 54

catur-dige loka kāndi’ vana bhāngi’ yāya
sabāre karena prabhu kṛpā amāyāya

People shed tears and trampled down the forest as they came rushing from all directions. The Lord sincerely bestowed His mercy on them.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 1 Text 42 – January 13, 2021

Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 1 Text 42

ei mata virahe sakala bhakta-gaṇa
sabāra haila baḍa citta ucāṭana

In this way the hearts of all the devotees were agitated with feelings of separation.

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 10 Chapter 38 Text 14 – January 10, 2021

Canto 10 Chapter 38 Text 14

taṁ tv adya nūnaṁ mahatāṁ gatiṁ guruṁ
trailokya-kāntaṁ dṛśiman-mahotsavam
rūpaṁ dadhānaṁ śriya īpsitāspadaṁ
drakṣye mamāsann uṣasaḥ su-darśanāḥ


Today I shall certainly see Him, the goal and spiritual master of the great souls. Seeing Him brings jubilation to all who have eyes, for He is the true beauty of the universe. Indeed, His personal form is the shelter desired by the goddess of fortune. Now all the dawns of my life have become auspicious.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 1 Text 17 – January 10, 2021

Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 1 Text 17

bhāratīre kṛpā haila prabhura dekhiyā
sarva-gaṇa hari bale ḍākiyā ḍākiyā

On seeing the Lord bestow mercy on Keśava Bhāratī, everyone loudly chanted the name of Hari.

Caitanya-bhāgavata Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 1 Text 8 – January 6, 2021

Antya-khaṇḍa Chapter 1 Text 8

karilena mātra prabhu sannyāsa-grahaṇa
mukundere ājñā haila karite kīrtana

Immediately after the Lord accepted sannyāsa, He instructed Mukunda to perform kīrtana.

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Canto 10 Chapter 38 Text 13 – January 3, 2021

Canto 10 Chapter 38 Text 13

sa cāvatīrṇaḥ kila sātvatānvaye
yaśo vitanvan vraja āsta īśvaro
gāyanti devā yad aśeṣa-maṅgalam


That same Supreme Lord has descended into the dynasty of the Sātvatas to delight the exalted demigods, who maintain the principles of religion He has created. Residing in Vṛndāvana, He spreads His fame, which the demigods glorify in song and which brings auspiciousness to all.