Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 23 Texts 20-21

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 23 Texts 20-21

niṣidhyamānāḥ patibhir
bhrātṛbhir bandhubhiḥ sutaiḥ
bhagavaty uttama-śloke

yamunopavane ’śoka
vicarantaṁ vṛtaṁ gopaiḥ
sāgrajaṁ dadṛśuḥ striyaḥ


Although their husbands, brothers, sons and other relatives tried to forbid them from going, their hope of seeing Kṛṣṇa, cultivated by extensive hearing of His transcendental qualities, won out. Along the river Yamunā, within a garden decorated with buds of aśoka trees, they caught sight of Him strolling along in the company of the cowherd boys and His elder brother, Balarāma.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 23 Text 12

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 23 Text 12


na te yad om iti procur
na neti ca parantapa
gopā nirāśāḥ pratyetya
tathocuḥ kṛṣṇa-rāmayoḥ


When the brāhmaṇas failed to reply even with a simple yes or no, O chastiser of the enemy [Parīkṣit], the cowherd boys returned disappointed to Kṛṣṇa and Rāma and reported this to Them.


Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 8

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 8


dhanyeyam adya dharaṇī tṛṇa-vīrudhas tvat-
pāda-spṛśo druma-latāḥ karajābhimṛṣṭāḥ
nadyo ’drayaḥ khaga-mṛgāḥ sadayāvalokair
gopyo ’ntareṇa bhujayor api yat-spṛhā śrīḥ


This earth has now become most fortunate, because You have touched her grass and bushes with Your feet and her trees and creepers with Your fingernails, and because You have graced her rivers, mountains, birds and animals with Your merciful glances. But above all, You have embraced the young cowherd women between Your two arms — a favor hankered after by the goddess of fortune herself.


Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 23 Texts 10-11

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 23 Texts 10-11

deśaḥ kālaḥ pṛthag dravyaṁ
mantra-tantrartvijo ’gnayaḥ
devatā yajamānaś ca
kratur dharmaś ca yan-mayaḥ

taṁ brahma paramaṁ sākṣād
bhagavantam adhokṣajam
manuṣya-dṛṣṭyā duṣprajñā
martyātmāno na menire


Although the ingredients of sacrificial performance — the place, time, particular paraphernalia, mantras, rituals, priests, fires, demigods, performer, offering and the as yet unseen beneficial results — are all simply aspects of His opulences, the brāhmaṇas saw Lord Kṛṣṇa as an ordinary human because of their perverted intelligence. They failed to recognize that He is the Supreme Absolute Truth, the directly manifest Personality of Godhead, whom the material senses cannot ordinarily perceive. Thus bewildered by their false identification with the mortal body, they did not show Him proper respect.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 6

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 6


ete ’linas tava yaśo ’khila-loka-tīrthaṁ
gāyanta ādi-puruṣānupathaṁ bhajante
prāyo amī muni-gaṇā bhavadīya-mukhyā
gūḍhaṁ vane ’pi na jahaty anaghātma-daivam


O Original Personality, these bees must all be great sages and most elevated devotees of Yours, for they are worshiping You by following You along the path and chanting Your glories, which are themselves a holy place for the entire world. Though You have disguised Yourself within this forest, O sinless one, they refuse to abandon You, their worshipable Lord.


Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 23 Text 7

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 23 Text 7


gāś cārayantāv avidūra odanaṁ
rāmācyutau vo laṣato bubhukṣitau
tayor dvijā odanam arthinor yadi
śraddhā ca vo yacchata dharma-vittamāḥ


Lord Rāma and Lord Acyuta are tending Their cows not far from here. They are hungry and want you to give Them some of your food. Therefore, O brāhmaṇas, O best of the knowers of religion, if you have faith please give some food to Them.


Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 3

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 15 Text 3

tan mañju-ghoṣāli-mṛga-dvijākulaṁ
vātena juṣṭaṁ śata-patra-gandhinā
nirīkṣya rantuṁ bhagavān mano dadhe


The Supreme Personality of Godhead looked over that forest, which resounded with the charming sounds of bees, animals and birds, and which was enhanced by a lake whose clear water resembled the minds of great souls and by a breeze carrying the fragrance of hundred-petaled lotuses. Seeing all this, Lord Kṛṣṇa decided to enjoy the auspicious atmosphere.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 23 Text 5

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 23 Text 5


ity ādiṣṭā bhagavatā
gatvā yācanta te tathā
kṛtāñjali-puṭā viprān
daṇḍa-vat patitā bhuvi


Thus instructed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the cowherd boys went there and submitted their request. They stood before the brāhmaṇas with palms joined in supplication and then fell flat on the ground to offer respect.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 23 Text 3

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 23 Text 3


prayāta deva-yajanaṁ
brāhmaṇā brahma-vādinaḥ
satram āṅgirasaṁ nāma
hy āsate svarga-kāmyayā


[Lord Kṛṣṇa said:] Please go to the sacrificial arena where a group of brāhmaṇas, learned in the Vedic injunctions, are now performing the Āṅgirasa sacrifice to gain promotion to heaven.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 10 Chapter 23 Text 1

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam
Canto 10 Chapter 23 Text 1


śrī-gopa ūcuḥ
rāma rāma mahā-bāho
kṛṣṇa duṣṭa-nibarhaṇa
eṣā vai bādhate kṣun nas
tac-chāntiṁ kartum arhathaḥ


The cowherd boys said: O Rāma, Rāma, mighty-armed one! O Kṛṣṇa, chastiser of the wicked! We are being harassed by hunger, and You should do something about it.