Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 Chapter 6 Text 9

Srimad Bhagavatam
Canto 1 Chapter 6 Text 9

ekada nirgatam gehad
duhantim nisi gam pathi
sarpo ‘dasat pada sprstah
krpanam kala-coditah

Once upon a time, my poor mother, when going out one night to milk a cow, was bitten on the leg by a serpent, influenced by supreme time.

Bhakti Sandarbha Anuccheda 240

Srila Dhanurhdara Swami continues his discussion on the Bhakti Sandarbha with Anuccheda 240.
Note: I must apologize for the quality of the recording. I had many technical difficulties today and missed the first 5 or 10 minutes of the class. Pardon the inconvenience. ys, rkd.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 Chapter 6 Text 1

Srimad Bhagavatam
Canto 1 Chapter 6 Text 1

suta uvaca
evam nisamya bhagavan
devarser janma karma ca
bhuyah papraccha tam brahman
vyasah satyavati-sutah

Suta said: O brahmanas, thus hearing all about Sri Narada’s birth and activities, Vyasadeva, the incarnation of God and son of Satyavati, inquired as follows.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 Chapter 5 Text 30

Srimad Bhagavatam
Canto 1 Chapter 5 Text 30

jnanam guhyatamam yat tat
saksad bhagavatoditam
anvavocan gamisyantah
krpaya dina-vatsalah

As they were leaving, those bhakti-vedantas, who are very kind to poor-hearted souls, instructed me in that most confidential subject which is instructed by the Personality of Godhead Himself.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 Chapter 5 Text 28

Srimad Bhagavatam
Canto 1 Chapter 5 Text 28

ittham sarat-pravrsikav rtu harer
visrnvato me ‘nusavam yaso ‘malam
sankirtyamanam munibhir mahatmabhir
bhaktih pravrttatma-rajas-tamopaha

Thus during two seasons — the rainy season and autumn — I had the opportunity to hear these great-souled sages constantly chant the unadulterated glories of the Lord Hari. As the flow of my devotional service began, the coverings of the modes of passion and ignorance vanished.

Bhakti Sandarbha Anuccheda 238

Srila Dhanurhdara Swami continues his discussion on the Bhakti Sandarbha with Anuccheda 238 where the importance of proper sadhusanga is discussed.

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 Chapter 5 Text 26

Srimad Bhagavatam
Canto 1 Chapter 5 Text 24

tatranvaham krsna-kathah pragayatam
anugrahenasrnavam manoharah
tah sraddhaya me ‘nupadam visrnvatah
priyasravasy anga mamabhavad rucih

O Vyasadeva, in that association and by the mercy of those great Vedantists, I could hear them describe the attractive activities of Lord Krsna And thus listening attentively, my taste for hearing of the Personality of Godhead increased at every step.

Bhakti Sandarbha Anuccheda 237

Srila Dhanurhdara Swami continues his discussion on the Bhakti Sandarbha with Anuccheda 237.
[Unfortunately, I missed the first 10-15 minutes of the class. My apologies for the inconvenience. ys, rkd.]