Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 Chapter 4 Text 51

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1 Chapter 4 Text 51

svamin kapi-patir dasye
ity-adi-vacanaih khalu
prasiddho mahima tasya
dasyam eva prabhoh krpa

My dear spiritual master, Hanuman’s greatness is well known from scriptual statements like “The chief of the monkeys became perfect by acting as the Lord’s servant.” His servitude is proof of the Lord’s mercy.

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 Chapter 4 Text 50

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1 Chapter 4 Text 50

atmanam nitya-tat-kirti
tan-murti-parsvatas tisthan
rajate ‘dypi purva-vat

He keeps himself alive by constantly hearing the glories of Lord Rama. Staying be the side of the Lord’s Deity, He is present even today with the same splendor as always.

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 Chapter 4 Text 31

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1 Chapter 4 Text 31

kuto ‘tah suddha-bhaktir me
yaya syat karuna prabhoh
dhyayanha banasya dauratmyam
tae-cihnam niscinomi ca

So how can any pure devotion appear in me that would signify the Lord’s mercy? I see proof of my lack of devotion when I ponder the wickedness of Banasura.

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 Chapter 4 Text 23

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1 Chapter 4 Text 23

vicitra-seva-danam hi
hanumat-prabhrtisv iva
prabhoh prasado bhaktesu
matah sadbhir ne cetarat

The Lord truly gives His mercy, saintly authorities believe, when He grants the right to render various kinds of service, a blessing He gives to such devotees as Hanuman. Nothing else counts as His mercy.

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 Chapter 4 Text 14

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1 Chapter 4 Text 14

itah prabhrti kartayo
nivaso niyato ‘tra hi
mayabhibhuya daksadio-
sapam yusmat-prahbhavatah

From now on I intend to stay here permanently with you. By your power I shall certainly be able to overcome the curses I received from Daksa and others.

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 Chapter 4 Text 10

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1 Chapter 4 Text 10

yah sva-prabhu-pritim apeksya paitrkam
rajyam svayam sri-narasimha-samstutau
svi-krtya tad-dhyana-paro ‘tra vartate

Responding to your Lord’s love, you agreed to assume your father’s throne. And as you told Lord Nrsimha in your prayers, by doing this you wished to help deliver all people. You are still on that royal seat, fixed in meditation on Lord Nrsimha.

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part 1 Chapter 4 Text 6

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1 Chapter 4 Text 6

krsnavisto yo ‘smrtatmeva matto
nrtyan gayan kampamano rudams ca
lokan sarvan uddharan smasrtibhyo
visnor bhaktim harsayam asa tanvan

While immersed in meditation on Krsna, you seemed to forget your own existance. Like a madman you danced and sang and called out loudly, your body trembling. In this way you spread devotional service unto Lord Visnu, delivering all the worlds from the cycle of material life and filling them with joy.

Brihad Bhagavatamrta Part One Chapter 4 Text 1

Brihad Bhagavatamrta
Part 1 Chapter 4 Text 1

sri-pariksid uvaca
srutva mahascaryam ivesa-bhasitam
hrd-yanatah sri-sutale gato ‘cirad
dhavan pravistah puram asuram munih

Sri Pariksit said: After the sage Narada heard Lord Siva’swords, which impressed him as most amazing, he was eager to see Prahlada in person. He at once, therefore, traveled to Sri Sutala by the path of the heart and entered running into the city of the demons.

Reflections on Puri

In today’s class, Srila Dhanurdhara Swami reflects on this year’s Puri yatra on it’s last day. Srila Dhanurdhara Maharaja offers his realizations and remembrances of this year’s yatra.

Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya-lila Chapter 15 Text 41

Caitanya-caritamrta Madhya-lila
Chapter 15 Text 41

acaryere ajna dila kariya sammana
‘a-candala adi krsna-bhakti dio dana’

With great respect, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested Advaita Acarya, “Give Krsna consciousness, devotion to Krsna, even to the lowest of men [candalas].”