Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Texts 70-72 – June 5, 2024

Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Texts 70-72

tataḥ padmāvatī rājya-
dāna-bhītā vimūḍha-dhīḥ
mahiṣī yadu-rājasya
vṛddhā mātāmahī prabhoḥ

apy uktāśravaṇāt pūrvaṁ
sva-bhartū rakṣituṁ rājyaṁ
cāturyāt parihāsa-vat

cittatāpādanena tam
vidhātuṁ svastham abravīt

Then, fearing that the kingdom was about to be given away, old Padmāvatī, the Lord’s grandmother, the queen of the Yadu king Ugrasena, gathered her muddled wits and cleverly feigned a joking spirit. To protect her husband’s domain, she spoke up again, even though Balarāma’s mother had snubbed her by ignoring her previous remarks. Invoking eloquence, Padmāvatī tried to change the mood, to bring Kṛṣṇa, the exclusive shelter of the Yadu dynasty, back to normal.