Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 87 – June 12, 2024

Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 6 Text 87

śrī-nanda uvāca
dravyāṇy ādau prema-cihnāni putra
etāny atra prāhiṇot satya-vākyaḥ
śīghraṁ paścād āgamiṣyaty avaśyaṁ
tatratyaṁ sva-prastutārthaṁ samāpya

Śrī Nanda said: Our son is an honest person who always speaks the truth. He has first sent us these things, as tokens of His love. He is sure to come back to us quickly, as soon as He finishes what He has to do in Mathurā.