Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 1 Chapter 4 Texts 17-18

Srimad Bhagavatam
Canto 1 Chapter 4 Texts 17-18

bhautikanam ca bhavanam
sakti-hrasam ca tat-krtam
asraddadhanan nihsattvan
durmedhan hrasitayusah

durbhagams ca janan viksya
munir divyena caksusa
sarva-varnasramanam yad
dadhyau hitam amogha-drk

The great sage, who was fully equipped in knowledge, could see through his transcendental vision the deterioration of everything material due to the influence of the age. He could also see that the faithless people in general would be reduced in duration of life and would be impatient due to lack of goodness. Thus he contemplated for the welfare of men in all statuses and orders of life.